
Sligo's county development plan 2023-29 has started the conversation on CoHousing. Websites like this are a stepping stone, to collect input, educate and form groups.  

We're listening


What projects and features have you seen, would like to see in the heart of Sligo?     
In spirt of the savoy cinema, what content would you show on an outdoor big screen?
If your home was one of the 40 Savoy Village CoHousing, what services / facilities would you like to share (and reap cost benefits)?
Perhaps a completely different type of housing should be considered? 

Sustainability solutions - What should Sligo adopt in terms of urban housing?
Would you like to join us?, help shape, develop a survey, a community, a project like no other!

Intentional communities

Some logo generators ask various questions like: 'Serious or Fun?' Traditional or Modern? Exclusive or Affordable? While it's jumping the gun somewhat, this process invokes seldom-considered emotions an intentional community participant should think about. Exercises like this help groups evolve sooner. 
Dot "EU" - because we must think broader than just "IE".  Great cities like in Singapore consciously consider diversity when designing their cooperatives. 

" Let us know (via the contact form) your ideas in forming groups. or have a read of this new Irish publication; 
Getting your group ready by 

"An Early-Stage Guide to developing a CLH project, including practical guidance on key steps of the process. This handbook is intended to support and prepare Irish Community-Led Housing groups"