8000 Sligo Homes
28% of County Sligo's population live alone.
About eight, thousand, people.
While nobody should be asked to 'right-size' we fail to consider loneliness, isolation, and the effect on their health or demands on our own health system!
If only there were better living options, closer to community, less costly to maintain, keep warm, suitable, yet private and not an old folks home.
Some day we'll appreciate why CLH models are being built in other cities.
It's one synergistic solution to our #HousingCrisis and staffing issues to enable local businesses grow #FDI.
Or, do we continue building suburban estates, ignore the above (people / economy)?
#reuse #climatechange #opportunity
Sligo2030 KPMG: '28%' (~8000) CSO: 2016 '7006' 2011 '6768'
About eight, thousand, people.
While nobody should be asked to 'right-size' we fail to consider loneliness, isolation, and the effect on their health or demands on our own health system!
If only there were better living options, closer to community, less costly to maintain, keep warm, suitable, yet private and not an old folks home.
Some day we'll appreciate why CLH models are being built in other cities.
It's one synergistic solution to our #HousingCrisis and staffing issues to enable local businesses grow #FDI.
Or, do we continue building suburban estates, ignore the above (people / economy)?
#reuse #climatechange #opportunity
Sligo2030 KPMG: '28%' (~8000) CSO: 2016 '7006' 2011 '6768'